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Home Accommodation Twin Falls Gorge Territorial Park

Twin Falls Gorge Territorial Park

This park is what we call a “destination park,” and with good reason. The sights to be seen are spectacular, the camping facilities excellent, the peace and tranquility are another world. The park has three main areas, located between the Mackenzie Highway and the Hay River, and linked together by a beautiful and dramatic trail: Alexandra Falls Day Use Area, Louise Falls Campground & Day Use Area, and the Escarpment Creek Group Campsite. They are well signposted on the highway heading either north from the Alberta border or south from Enterprise.

Twin Falls park offers excellent day-trip facilities for activities such as viewing the waterfalls, trail walking, or picnicking; a fully serviced campground for a longer stay; and a partially serviced group camping area at Escarpment Creek. The fully serviced campground is at Louise Falls, in the centre of the park, making the features at Alexandra and Escarpment easy to access and enjoy. Just the Hay River Canyon by itself is a spectacular sight, cut deep by a river with water the same honey colour as the steep rock walls to either side. And it’s only when you notice how small the trees look on the far side that you realize just how big that canyon is.