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Home Attraction Ehdaa National Historic Site

Ehdaa National Historic Site

Festive sounds of celebration and solemn whispers of prayers have been heard seasonally at Ehdaa since oral tradition began for the Łiidlįį Kų́ę́ Dene.

For centuries Dene have gathered at this site, located on inviting, low-lying flat land on the southwestern end of Fort Simpson Island, near the confluence of the Mackenzie and Liard Rivers. Groups would journey here as part of their seasonal travels in order to strengthen and renew social and spiritual ties. Land use was allocated by the Elders, coming of age ceremonies were held, marriages were performed, disputes were settled, goods, knowledge and techniques were traded and games were played. Spiritual healing ceremonies, such as the drum dance, were practiced as well.

Today, the site remains an important location to the local Łiidlįį Kų́ę́ Dene, who continue to visit this sacred ground, holding seasonal celebrations at the Drum Circle, honoring their connection to the land and their culture.