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Home Package Canadian Wildlife Adventures

Starting at


USD + 5% GST + Per Person

For More Info

Aylmer Lake Lodge


Kevin & Patti McNeil


(780) 536-7290


Canadian Wildlife Adventures

OFFER DATE: August - September 2025

Canadian Safari Adventure

Welcome to the barren-lands of the Northwest Territories, Canada where the animals are unique and majestic. All our lodges are located in the prime area for caribou viewing, thousands of Caribou migrate through annually. Opportunities to see Arctic Wolves they follow the caribou as this is a main source of food for the wolves. There is opportunity to see the pre historic Muskox lumbering along the barren grounds, Wolverines and Grizzly Bears. Nights viewing Aurora Borealis. If you like we can arrange a time for you to be taken out for fishing.

Guest capacity is maximum 10 guests per trip

  • 5 Day Trip Price $7,900 USD + GST/Per Person
  • 14 Day Trip Price $15,500 USD + GST/Per Person

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Our Territory

Our area is located in the northern barren-lands region of the Northwest Territories, Canada. We are located past the boreal forest into the barren-lands, that are renown for their giant lakes and river drainage that makes for a game rich environment. The animal population on the barren-lands is high with Muskox, Grizzly Bear, Arctic Wolves, Wolverines, Arctic Hares and the populations are estimated to be in the thousands for Caribou. You will be remote, which puts you in the heart of where these majestic animals live.

All of our Canadian Safari Adventure trips are located within the Northwest Territory closed caribou zone. The winter Mobile Bathurst Caribou closed zone (the closed mobile zone moves with the caribou migration). Caribou are a main food source and the wolves follow the caribou herds. This is a prime area for arctic wolves, grizzly bears, muskox and wolverines.

The Tour

You will be boating, as well as going on tundra and esker hiking, which means you’ll be glassing areas that have central barren-land caribou, wolves, muskox, grizzly bears, and wolverines.  When we locate the animals we will boat or hike to a spot for excellent photography opportunities. Breakfast will be at 8:00 AM until 8:30 AM. You will head out with your bagged lunches and snacks, thermoses and water for the day, unless you are hiking around the lodge and you may return to the lodge for lunch. You will end your day back at the lodge at 6:00 pm with supper served at 7:00pm.  After supper you will relax, read, there are games to play, socializing about your day, late in the night you can set an alarm if you choose to rest, then start watching for the skies to light up with the Aurora Borealis displays that are part of the northern hemisphere.

What to Expect

Travelling the waterways, and hiking afford you excellent opportunities to see the animals in their natural habitat. You will need to come prepared mentally for long sitting periods glassing, so absolutely ensure that you are prepared to layer up and down to stay comfortable. Staying focused for the duration raises your opportunity of success for your incredible photography opportunities. The thrill of success on capturing these animals in their home setting is exhilarating. All day long your senses will be assaulted with the beauty of the vibrant fall colours of red, orange, and yellow shimmering as far as the eye can see. On your hikes you will see hundreds of mushrooms, and the fruits of the tundra cloud berries, blueberries, and cranberries. After supper you may want to catch a nap so you can get up later to watch for the Aurora Borealis to light up the skies.

Getting Here

Your starting destination for your tour is the city of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada. There are daily flights into Yellowknife from Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver, and Ottawa. You will need to fly into Yellowknife the day before.  The next day you will be boarding a charter flight that will fly you into the lodge to begin your tour. We work to have you arrive for lunch so that you are into the lodge to get you settled in. Once you arrive at the charter plane your trip begins. Your flight is approximately two hours and you need to dress in layers for the charter flight.

Tour Schedule

All of our Canadian Safari Adventure Trips are minimum 5 or 10 full days.  Once you leave on the charter flight begin to look for animals out your plane windows they are there and it’s exciting to see the activity. You will also have your senses assaulted by the vibrant fall colours. Getting an eagle view of the NWT you will see the tree line end and the barren lands begin, all the water that allows the tundra to flourish and build a strong healthy ecosystem.

Breakfast will be served at 8:00AM – 8:30am you will be leaving the lodge by 9:00am returning to the lodge at 6:00pm. Depending on the schedule of activities you will have a bagged lunch or a return to the lodge for lunch. Supper will be served 7:00pm.

5 or 10 Full Day Trip

Change over day/fly in and out day

  • Full day of fishing for departing guests.
  • Fishing from shore for arriving guests.

Wildlife Viewing Adventure Dates 2024

Aug 12 – Aug 17

Aug 17 – Aug 22

Aug 22 – Aug 27

Aug 27 – Sept 2

Sept 2 – Sept 6

Sept 6 – Sept 11

Sept 11 – Sept 15

Wildlife Viewing Adventure Dates 2025

Aug 12 – Aug 17

Aug 17 – Aug 22

Aug 22 – Aug 27

Aug 27 – Sept 2

Sept 2 – Sept 6

Sept 6 – Sept 11

Sept 11 – Sept 15

 Additional Details

  • We require 50% deposit. Your final payment is required 90 days prior to your trip. All bookings are non-refundable.
  • Contract documents will be forwarded via email for electronic signature. Your documents must be signed and returned within 7 business days of booking.

What’s Included:

  • Professional Guide for your trips on the tundra
  • Lodging and Meals

Not Included:

  • Commercial flights in and out of Yellowknife
  • Hotels before and after your wildlife adventure
  • Scheduled Charter flights are included. If you elect to leave other than scheduled flights it’s at your cost to charter a flight out. The charters require credit card payment be paid before flight leaves the airport.
  • Due to fluctuating fuel costs, a fuel surcharge maybe applicable
  • Please be advised that we reserve the right to change our current price listed.
  • We highly recommend that you purchase, trip cancellation insurance, medical evacuation insurance, and have health insurance. Link to Global Rescue