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Summit Air

Summit Air is a specialized charter aviation company with a keen focus on customer service and customized aviation solutions. Our company boasts a diverse fleet of jet and turbo-prop fixed wing aircraft. Fly-in/Fly-out solutions for all your passenger and cargo movement requirements.

Ursus Aviation

A native owned company with over 30 years operating experience. Serving the Sahtu and Yellowknife areas including Tulita, Norman Wells, Wrigley, Deline, Fort Good Hope and Colville Lake. Wheels, skis and floats. On- and off-strip, scenic tours, fly-in fishing. Aircraft maintenance. Tulita Base: Ph. (867) 588-4141, Fax (867) 588-4131.

Wolverine Air (1988) Ltd.

Air charter service based in Fort Simpson, operating year-round service since 1972. Wheels, skis, floats. Nahanni National Park Reserve specialist. Flightseeing and self-guided canoeing, hiking and fishing trips.

Villers Air Services Ltd.

Peter Villers makes the safety and efficiency of every flight his own personal responsibility. The entire staff at Villers Air are committed to customer service and dedicated to the comfort and safety of all our passengers. All aircraft at Villers are maintained by our friendly in house maintenance staff to the highest standard. With our diverse fleet we here at Villers Air aim to meet your aviation requirements with the most efficient and safe methods possible.

Loon Air

Air charter service, fly out fishing. Scenic Tours of Wood Buffalo National Park. Hunting, exploration and prospecting camp support. Call for rates.

Landa Aviation

Landa Aviation is a family owned and operated air charter company proudly serving Hay River, the Northwest Territories and Canada since 1979.

Summit Helicopters Ltd.

Summit Helicopters is a member of The Ledcor Group of Companies. Ledcor is one of North America’s most diversified construction companies, serving the building, oil & gas, infrastructure, mining, power and communications sectors. Ledcor also owns operations in wastewater treatment, property investment, forestry, and transportation services.

Canadian Helicopters Limited

Over 50 years of experience, with 132 aircraft operating from 43 locations across Canada including three in the NWT. Serving many industry sectors including parks and tourism, oil and gas, mining, construction and forestry.