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Home Story Wolves versus buffalo. Who will win?

Wolves versus buffalo. Who will win?

Wolves versus buffalo. Who will win?

In Canada’s biggest park, battles for survival are a daily occurrence. The bison of Wood Buffalo National Park can weigh more than a ton, with leathery hides and vicious horns. Creatures that stalk them must be tough and savvy. If you’re lucky, you’ll see predator and prey in one of nature’s great dramas – the dance of life and death.

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Goose Flying Service

We are a small air service with two bush planes based in Fort Simpson. Operating on floats throughout the summer......

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Aylmer Lake Lodge

DISCOVER A MOMENT THAT LASTS A LIFETIME. Aylmer Lake Lodge is located in Rocknest Bay, which is on the Barren......

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Arctic Chalet Tours

Best Northern Road Trip! Now you can drive all the way to the Arctic ocean linking Canada from coast to......

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Ram Head Outfitters Ltd.

Commercial air charter service providing air support for hikers on Canol Road, sightseeing in the beautiful Mackenzie Mountains, and fly-in fishing......

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Trail Blazer Tours

Book an adventure with us at Trail Blazer Tours for an unforgettable experience! Your adventure with us will create lasting......

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Territorial Agrifood Association

Agritourism is where agriculture and tourism meet to provide you with an amazing educational experience, whether it be a tour......

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Simpson Air

Simpson Air (and its predecessor) is the oldest continuously-operated flying service in the Mackenzie Valley, established in the early 1960s.......

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North-Wright Airways Ltd.

If are looking for a spectacular weekend retreat nestled in the serenity of the Mackenzie Mountains at Ten Stone Mountain Lodge. North-Wright......

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North Star Adventures

100% Indigenous owned!  Experience the spirit of the untamed Canadian north with a 100% Indigenous owned tour company. Journey with an Indigenous tour company that still lives by the traditions of our ancestors. Feel the heartbeat of the land as we share the stories, wisdom, and spiritual connections that have been passed down from generation to […]...

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Arctic Tours Canada

Arctic Tours Canada is a Yellowknife based tour operating company that offer Aurora Hunting and Viewing tours, Yellowknife sightseeing tours,......

Floatplane charter service using classic DHC-2 Beaver aircraft based in Yellowknife’s historic Old Town. Sightseeing flights over Yellowknife and surrounding......

Air Tindi is an airline company based in Yellowknife offering flights to a number of diverse destinations within Canada’s spectacular Northwest Territories!......

Our vision is to see the Beaufort-Delta Region of Canada’s western arctic become the dream destination for motorcycle adventure enthusiasts from......

Welcoming and friendly with a rustic charm and all modern conveniences, Grey Goose Lodge immediately catches your eye as you......

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Town of Inuvik

Inuvik is located 200km North of the Arctic Circle, on the East Cannel of the incredible ecosystem that is the Mackenzie Delta. We are located within the Taiga Forest just south of the treeline and Arctic Tundra. Inuvik acts as the gateway to the Western Arctic as the Mackenzie River, Dempster Highway and Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk Highway […]...