There’s laughter, both nervous and excited. Some boasts of adventures past. And a few connections are already being made as the ‘what a small world’ stories ensue.
You’ve just landed in Fort Simpson and introductions are being made. Tomorrow, you will head out with this small group of strangers on a trip you always dreamed of making.
You’re on the cusp of the timeless, iconic and wholly unreal Nahanni.
Day One:
You hand over your bag and watch it disappear into a Twin Otter airplane. Before you know it, you are airborne and flying over the most spectacular landscape you’ve ever seen.
This will be home for the next eight days.
You look down onto the Ram Plateau, touched only by nature’s hand, ancient canyons carved out by the elements over eons. Your flight follows the course of the South Nahanni River until you spy Virginia Falls, the towering cataract that looks even taller and more powerful than you imagined.
The plane makes a smooth landing on the water and putters over to dock on shore. You share a hearty meal cooked over a campfire with your chatty crew—no one can believe the scale of what they’ve seen so far.
You think it might be tough to get to sleep tonight, feeling so much anticipation for the week ahead. But after a glass of wine around the fire, you retreat to your tent and discover how bushed you are after such an eventful day. You fall asleep in minutes.