It’s an urge you’ve always had. A longing for adventure in a legendary land. A desire to get off the beaten path, to go somewhere completely new. To see more of Canada and finally take that trip to the North – it’s just a quick flight or scenic road trip away after all.
Over the years, you’ve heard friends try to describe seeing the spellbinding dance of the Northern Lights—before they concede that words can’t come close to doing the lights justice.
Maybe you’ve pictured yourself alone in pristine nature, or out on remote waters hundreds of kilometres from the nearest town, engaged in an epic battle with an unseen leviathan.
Or perhaps you want to feel something less tangible, but just as real. You’ve come to notice the North has a special ability to turn strangers into lifelong friends over the course of a few hours, after they share intimate moments and once-in-a-lifetime experiences on the land, in the skies,
or on the waters.
Whatever you are seeking, the Northwest Territories will have it. Because here, you’ll see what makes the North so spectacular. You’ll understand what attracts both feisty trophy fishing enthusiasts and contemplative canoe trip-takers to the same waters. You’ll discover something about yourself and you’ll be able to agree that the Northwest Territories is a must-see destination for every Canadian.